On the Subject of Simon’s Swarm

Bzzzz bzzbzz? Bzzzz Bzzz BzBz!

Simon has become a king bee, and you are taking care of his colony. His bees suffer from Color Flashing Syndrome, which tints his bees a certain color and makes them occasionally glow. Five of the bees from his colony are seeing you today, as the syndrome has gotten worse for them.

Start by taking the currently flashing bees in order and find their names from the Bee Name Table using the bee’s type and color. A table of each bee type without the syndrome can be found in Appendix BUZZ. Once you have the names of each bee, take the name of the bee that flashed first and call it String Bzz. For each flash that occurred after the first, prepend that bee’s name to String Bzz if that bee is 1 or 2 bees counter-clockwise from the previous bee. Otherwise, append that bee’s name to String Bzz if that bee is 1 or 2 bees clockwise from the previous bee. Otherwise, if a module on the bomb contains “HEX” in its name, then append that bee’s name to String Bzz. Otherwise, prepend the name. If String Bzz does not end in a “B” after appending/prepending all the names then append a “B”.

Now start with the first letter in String Bzz and the bee that flashed first. For each letter in the string if it’s a “z” then move clockwise one bee if a module contains “BUZZ” in its name. Otherwise move counter-clockwise one bee. If the letter is a “B” then press that bee.

Repeat the entire process twice more adding on new flashes from the bees and then the effects of the syndrome will calm down.

Do not press a bee incorrectly, otherwise they will get irritated and sting you (strike given and inputs reset).

Bee Name Table

Red zBBBzBz
Green zzzBBBBz
Blue BzzBBz
Yellow zzzBzBz
Cyan zBBzBB
Magenta zzBBzB
Carpenter Bee
Red zzBBzzzB
Green BzBzzzzB
Blue BBBzBzz
Yellow BBBzzzz
Cyan BzzzzBzzz
Magenta BzzzzBzB
Red zBBzzBB
Green BBBzzzzB
Blue BzBzzzB
Yellow zzzBzB
Cyan zBzBzzz
Magenta BzzzBzzzB
Mason Bee
Red zBzzBzzzB
Green zzBzBzB
Blue zBzzzz
Yellow BBzzzBB
Cyan zzBzzBz
Magenta zBBBzzB
Leafcutter Bee
Red BzBBBzzz
Green BBBBzzz
Blue zzBzzBBzB
Yellow zBBzBzB
Cyan BzzzBzzz
Magenta zzzBBzB
Squash Bee
Red zBzzBB
Green BBzzBB
Blue zzBzzzBB
Yellow zzzBzzB
Cyan zBzBBz
Magenta BBzzBBz
Blueberry Bee
Red BzzzBz
Green zzBzzzzBB
Blue zzzzBBz
Yellow zBzzzB
Cyan zBBBzzzB
Magenta BzzBzzB

Appendix BUZZ

The different bee types that can appear on Simon’s Swarm.

Honeybee Carpenter Bee
Bumblebee Mason Bee
Leafcutter Bee Squash Bee
Blueberry Bee